Getting started

  1. Open in a browser (Use Firefox or Chrome browser on your laptop. Gather experience on mobile devices is limited, details in the FAQ).
  2. Insert the password that you will find on the link that you will receive by e-mail the day before.
  3. You will be prompted to add your name ( we kindly ask you to write your full name to help other participants recognize you - e.g., to answer questions about your presentation) and to customise your avatar πŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸŽ¨ - once you are happy with your creation, press Next.
  4. Your browser will ask you to access your camera and microphone. You'll need to grant Gather these permissions if you want to interact with the others!
  5. Once you have granted Gather permission, make sure you select the right camera and audio interface (probably they will be your in-built microphone and webcam). Once you are done, press Join the Gathering
  6. At this point you will be given the opportunity to take a quick tutorial. I will cover the most important aspects in this document, but I suggest that you also take the interactive tutorial, if you have time (you can press Skip the tutorial if you can't be bothered).
  7. On the bottom right of the

Acting in the virtual world

Moving around

Simply use the arrow keys in your keyboard to move around β—€οΈπŸ”ΌπŸ”½β–ΆοΈ

Follow the coloured arrows on the floor to participate in the different sessions

Walk through the doors to join in the different sessions of the conference

If you are stuck in a position, you can respawn by clicking on your name in the toolbar and then choosing "Respawn".


As we all learnt in 2020, knowing how to mute/unmute oneself is a fundamental skill. On the bottom right corner, hover your cam with the mouse to mute/unmute yourself and to activate/deactivate your cam.

Interact with objects

You can interact with many objects in Gather (e.g. posters, videos, games). You can recognise objects you can interact with as they have a glowing yellow light (see image on the right). To interact with them, press x in your keyboard. Once you are done, press x again to go back to the main page.

Interact with peers